Common Questions Asked by Men Losing Their Hair

For some, it happens early, for others it happens much later in life. But for most men, hair loss comes as a big shock. Even experts don’t know exactly why hair thins and fails to regrow with age, so it’s no wonder people are searching the internet for answers and advice.

Bald man in dark thinking

What causes hair loss in men?

There are three main causes of hair loss for men, and one is more common than the other two:

This article will answer the 10 most common questions men ask when finding out they are losing their hair.

1) How much of my hair loss is hereditary and how much is due to other factors?

Since many factors can affect hair loss it’s hard to say exactly how much is hereditary. Many things could lead to hair loss, stress, poor diet, injury, etc. The only way to properly answer this question is to meet with a doctor or dermatologist who can perform tests and blood work to determine the exact cause of your hair loss

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Male pattern hair loss is the most common cause of hair loss in men, with more than 50% of all men over 50 showing signs of hair loss. This type of hair loss happens in all men, to some degree or another, and is caused by the actions of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) on the hair follicles. It occurs specifically because susceptible hairs are exposed to higher than normal amounts of DHT.

If you’re losing hair around your hairline and the top of your scalp, you may likely have androgenetic alopecia.

2) Do I really need to worry about it?

Hair loss can be emotionally and psychologically distressing for many people. Most causes of hair loss, on the other hand, are not hazardous to your general health. If you believe that it will lower your self-esteem or cause you emotional pain, treatment is accessible.

In some cases, hair loss is caused by an underlying disease. In this case, further hair loss may be prevented by treating the underlying disease. If this is not the case, however, cosmetic treatments may be necessary.

3) How much hair loss is normal?

Most people shed between 50 and 100 hairs each day. This process creates the appearance of thicker hair as those hairs fall out and new ones grow in their place (most of these will fall out after a few months). Hair loss becomes increasingly common as we age. In men, many start to notice it even in their 20s and 30s.

4) What will it look like if I lose my hair?

As men usually have different patterns of baldness, we cannot tell you exactly what you will look like if you start to lose your hair. Typically, pattern baldness will lead to a receding hairline, thinning hair, as well as some bald spots. This is distinct from female pattern hair loss, which usually only leads to thinning across the scalp.

5) What is the most common hair loss cause?

There are many causes of hair loss, but as mentioned earlier, the most common cause is male pattern hair loss (also called androgenic alopecia). Pattern baldness is caused by sensitivity to male hormones (DHT) that often begins at puberty. It typically starts at the top of your head in a horseshoe-shaped ring around the scalp and then spreads to the front and crown.

Male pattern baldness is sometimes referred to as male androgenetic alopecia because it is thought that male hormones (particularly DHT) play a primary role in this type.

6) Is it reversible?

For some types of hair loss, like male pattern baldness, there is no current medical treatment that is 100% effective. For others, the loss can be slowed or prevented by treating an underlying condition. For example, treating a thyroid condition may stop your hair from thinning.

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Once hair loss has reached an advanced stage, it is unlikely that it can be significantly reversed.

7) Are there any foods that can affect my hair loss?

The foods you eat can indeed have an impact on your overall health, but no research has shown a strong link between specific foods and hair loss. Some people try diets high in protein, vitamin supplements, or other medications to promote hair regrowth, but your overall diet has more of an impact on your hair than an individual food choice.

Protein, iron, and vitamin deficiency have all been known to cause hair loss.

8) When should I see my doctor?

You should first see your doctor if you notice any sudden, unusual hair loss. Regular pattern hair loss is a common part of your life and should not be a cause for concern, but you should still talk to your doctor during a regular visit if you’re concerned. Talk to your doctor if you have other symptoms, such as redness or pain, which may be a sign of scalp infections or other underlying causes.

9) What causes sudden hair loss?

Hair loss that happens quickly or without warning can be due to several factors. One possible cause is medication, which could be stopping your body from absorbing nutrients needed for strong hair growth. Other causes include an underlying disease process, surgery, stress, or even a medical treatment like chemotherapy.

10) Will I go completely bald?

The severity of pattern baldness varies from person to person and there is no way to predict its course for any given individual. Eventually, most men who have pattern baldness will lose a lot of their vertex hair. Unlike the loss of scalp hairs, facial or body hair is not affected by male pattern baldness.

Mannequins (without wig) in shop wearing suits

What treatments are available?

Lots of research has gone into treating male pattern baldness, but restoring full regrowth is sadly not always possible. Treatments range from medication to cosmetic and surgical, but ultimately it’s up to you to decide on a treatment that’s right for you.

Some treatments available today are:

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