SMP: The Hair Loss Treatment Basics

Hair loss can happen to anyone, and yet it’s something none of us ever look forward to. How could we? There’s nothing to look forward to after all. While hair loss might be as average as it can get, the appearance is usually not as flattering an image as a full head of hair, whether short or long. Baldness limits your options and possibilities, not to mention the hit to your confidence and anxiety. A loss of self-esteem can break anyone.

Looking into some statistics, about 66% of men will experience hair loss by the age of thirty-five, and over 8 million women currently experience alopecia in the UK alone.

Alopecia SMP Treatment at
Alopecia SMP Treatment at

Solving such a common yet formidable problem is no small feat, especially while looking for non-surgical ways to do so. While wigs might be an option, not everyone feels comfortable with one or simply cannot wear them for reasons such as allergies.

Although, there are even more serious commitments out there. Still, with the high price tags that some hair treatments and surgeries come with, it’s even harder for people to cope, not to mention trying it. And let’s not even start on myths related to hair loss treatments.

Most of you likely already know of hair transplants, which are very risky procedures without guaranteed results. There are also plasma treatments, which also come without promises. These are two prevalent ideas behind curing hair loss. Yet, these can get pretty expensive, and the potential for head scars, among many other risks, isn’t very compelling. Even though the temptation can be strong, there are other solutions to this ever-growing problem.

What is Scalp Micropigmentation?

Some might have heard about scalp micropigmentation or SMP for short. It is a relatively new but nifty and non-surgical option for those who aren’t necessarily looking to grow long hair but simply want to regain that self-confidence. The techniques involved in mimicking the effects of denser natural hair follicles are similar to that of a standard hair tattoo – ink and microneedle included.

SMP Procedure at
SMP Procedure at

Effective for both men and women, the procedure is quite simple. The visible results can complement any hairstyle, hairline, skin tone, and hair density right after the last session without a single side effect.

In this article, I will provide you with information about the SMP treatment and help you understand how effective and affordable it really is. If you end up interested, your first consultation might be waiting just around the corner!

Procedure and Techniques

Scalp micropigmentation at its core is simply a scalp tattoo. In many parts of the world, it’s commonly known as hair tattooing. While it technically is, it’s not just any tattoo we’re talking about here. We’re not looking to engrave a dragon or a rose on your scalp throughout your treatment sessions.

With SMP, it is your hairline we worry about, and scalp micropigmentation is here to give it life. Your scalp is of top concern, and SMP practitioners should treat your image with utmost care. Let’s get into some of the factors that go into scalp micropigmentation.

Hair Tattoos and Safety

As with any tattooing, the standard precautions have to be taken: hygiene, a sterile environment, germ-killing machinery and products – it’s all there just the same, even more so in fact. While pain tolerance also plays a role, a good practitioner will apply a topical numbing agent to turn that into only slight discomfort. In a proper environment, a scalp micropigmentation procedure comes with no side effects. It is one of the safest, if not the safest, ways to take care of hair loss.

SMP Practitioners

A scalp micropigmentation procedure and its result is only as good as the practitioner. While the action plan might seem fairly straightforward to you, the behind-the-scenes are much more complicated than what’s on the surface. A good SMP practitioner will take safety above all else, calm the client’s concerns, and answer any questions raised.

LUXE's own SMP Practitioner, Luke Jewitt
LUXE’s own SMP Practitioner, Luke Jewitt

SMP Technology

With SMP, the tools needed are very similar to that of a standard tattoo shop. Just like tattoo artists use power supplies to power their tattoo device that uses pigments and needles to draw tattoos, SMP practitioners use the exact same line-up of items during treatment sessions to simulate natural hair follicles on the area of the scalp and face.

In addition, besides the primary micropigmentation treatment, SMP clinics usually provide other beauty-related services like B12 injections, Botox, and even their own online or in-store shops.

Hair Follicle and Pigment Variety

Pigments are chosen depending on hair colour and skin tones to develop the perfect solution for the client. Whether dark, ginger, blond, grey or anything else in the hair colour palettes, it doesn’t matter as long as you can take a tattoo.

SMP Treatment Options

There are many hair patterns and skin types that scalp micropigmentation works with. Here are some options SMP can be useful in fighting.

Male Pattern Baldness

Scalp micropigmentation is a great way to fight against male baldness. Also known as androgenetic alopecia, this is one of the most common hair loss patterns out there. Being most men’s enemy at one point in their life, it can shatter confidence as it can affect the hairline and the crown all at the same time.

Female Pattern Baldness

Contrary to popular belief, female baldness is reasonably common. Not only can this build up anxiety, but it can also help it get its way in the long run. Micro pigmentation deals with it just amazingly and doesn’t risk anything.

Thinning Hair

While still very concerning, thinning hair is not as worrisome as balding. It only slightly thins hair and usually only in the most common areas, such as the top of the scalp and widow’s peak. Scalp micropigmentation makes quick work of such a problem, and it has a spectacular effect on your image.

Hair Lines

Hair lines are probably one of the most critical aspects of SMP as it defines your look. Because it is so vital, practitioners will generally offer a plethora of options for you to choose from or even let you guide them to what you prefer as long as it’s within their criteria.


In alopecia sufferers, hair loss can range from the loss of little patches of hair to losing the entirety of your hair. Yet, no matter the scale of alopecia, scalp micropigmentation can work wonders for cases such as Areata, and even the worst of alopecia types such as Totalis.

Scar Concealment

In the case of potential scalp scars, micro pigmentation is the perfect way of concealment. By adding an illusion of hair follicles on the scar itself, there will be no more signs of it after the treatment sessions.

Facial Micropigmentation

Just like with standard scalp micropigmentation, this treatment can be applied to simulate facial hair growth and create an illusion of a 5 o’clock shadow.

Facial Micropigmentation Plan at
Facial Micropigmentation Plan at

Guaranteed Results

While the basic idea of scalp micropigmentation might be straightforward, the illusion it creates is quite complex, which is exactly why it looks just like natural hair. Whether you’re going for the clean-cut look or just trying to make your hair look thicker, SMP will deliver, and it saves you from quite a lot of trouble.

Consider hair transplants – there can be many more unfortunate factors to them than there are fortunate ones. A hair transplant gone wrong can impact a person’s life, and so much more than the loss of confidence. Even just the idea of scars is problematic, but infections or failed transplants are worlds more terrifying. On the other hand, SMP is as safe as any professional tattoo.

How Long Can Scalp Micropigmentation Last

A typical scalp pigmentation lasts from anywhere between 2 and 6 years. Still, you might want to get a refresher a little before that. Like all tattoos, the pigments fade with time, and SMP isn’t excluded from that occurrence. To present your clean-cut in style, the pigmentation can be refreshed at almost anytime you want.

The Best Affordable Hair Loss Solution

There’s no question that scalp micropigmentation is a budget-friendly yet effective hair loss solution alternative to any other treatment options out there. With no risks and astonishing results, there’s little competition to the SMP method.

Scalp Micropigmentation Costs

While costs vary from country to country, in the UK, scalp micropigmentation treatments usually start at low ranges from £400 up to £800. Some more complex procedures might set the bar to ranges from £1000 to £3000.

The costs all depend on the area of the scalp that you want to be treated and generally are hard to predict without an expert look first. Ultimately, a good SMP clinic will create a custom and budget-friendly plan which covers all of your concerns. Here at LUXE SMP, we make sure to do right by you at all levels.

Recommended by Customers

Satisfied LUXE Clients after Scalp Micropigmentation

Many satisfied customers have already tried scalp micropigmentation at the LUXE SMP Clinic. Men and women with many varied hair loss issues recommend SMP as the way to go.

In addition, you can follow Love Island’s runner-up Jamie Jewitt’s SMP story at LUXE SMP Clinic and find out for yourself!

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