Male Pattern Baldness: Stages, Causes, Treatments and FAQ
There are a few things to learn about male pattern baldness, in this article we will go through everything about male pattern hair loss and even cover the most effective treatment for male pattern baldness.
The 7 stages of Male Pattern Baldness (Norwood scale)
Causes of Male Pattern Baldness
Treatments for Male Pattern Baldness
The 7 stages of Male Pattern Baldness (Norwood scale)
The Hamilton Norwood classification system is the most commonly used system in order to measure the degree of male pattern baldness.
Stage 1
In the first stage of Norwood, or Type 1 hair loss, you have a full head of hair with near to no recession and no bald patches around your crown.
This type can be seen in people during their teens and 20s before they start losing more on top as male pattern baldness kicks into gear!
Stage 2
Men with triangular recession around their frontotemporal hairline (the area around the temples) are described as having stage two male pattern baldness or Norwood Type 2 Male Pattern Baldness.
This type of hair loss is fairly mild, but still visible; you may notice that your scalp has receded near your temples, giving it a backwards sloping angle when viewed from side-profile view.
The hair loss around the forehead may also create an M or V shape when viewed from above, making skin visible from your temples.
Stage 3
In stage 3 of male pattern baldness, the hair on your head becomes thinner and starts to fall out in patches.
You may also start noticing thinning at different parts around scalp like the top or sides as well as a receding forehead that forms an ‘M’ shape when compared with before (due to increased pressure).
This process can be further categorised due to bald spots being seen during this time period.
Stage 4
Norwood scale stage 4 hair loss is more severe and obvious.
Men with Norwood stage four hair loss, have lots of thinning around the area where their scalp meets the rest of their head – giving them an almost completely bald appearance that can be seen from any angle you take!
Many men whose heads are affected in this way also experience a thick band on top which separates their hairline from the bald area around their crown.
Stage 5
Norwood scale stage 5 is an advanced stage of male pattern baldness, causing extensive hair loss
As significant hair loss progresses, the band separating your hairline and crown becomes smaller with thinning on top.
Some men develop Norwood stage 5a as they display further hair loss around their head while others only experience less separation between the crown and hairline due to a higher level in protein production by cells near this area.
Stage 6
Norwood scale stage 6 hair loss is a very severe form.
By this stage, you’ll have lost almost all of the hair that previously made up your scalp and sideburns or an area at the front which covered these parts; there may still be some banding around to separate them but it will only be sparse hair remaining with thin strands.
The classic horseshoe of hair loss pattern is easy to see at this stage.
Your scalp and remaining strands across the top are barely hidden by your locks and your scalp is visible in all lighting conditions.
Stage 7
Norwood scale stage 7 is the most severe form of hair loss.
In this stage, almost none or your scalp will be left unless you have a few stray hairs in areas with milder hair growth; by this point there’s only one horseshoe pattern on each side and back from head remaining that may also lack density as well as being relatively fine-haired (rather than thick).
Causes of Male Pattern Baldness
The three causes of male pattern baldness are: age, hormones and genetics.
Most white males develop male pattern baldness due to their age and genetics.
According to some studies, up to 50% of white men will be affected by their 50s years with this condition at least once in their lives and 80% of white men by age 70. Other ethnic groups, such as Chinese and Japanese, are affected much less.
Also known as androgenetic alopecia, male-pattern baldness is the result of hormone levels changing over time.
When discussing male pattern baldness, one cause of the most common causes is genetics.
Treatments for Male Pattern Baldness
Scalp micropigmentation
There are many effective hair loss treatments that can be used for male pattern baldness, one being scalp micropigmentation (smp). SMP may not be as popular as a hair transplantation, but in terms of price and its general effectiveness, it is a very good option.
Hair transplant surgeons can charge in the tens of thousands for something that can be done just as effectively, if not more effective through smp.
Learn more about the fantastic before and after results of SMP.
Platelet Rich Plasma
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy Injections are a proven hair loss treatment that can regenerate and promote growth for men or women by using your own plasma, which offers the best chance at regenerating healthy hair follicles.
PRPs work because they introduce platelets into an area with damaged hairs where blood supply will be improved as well.
Further studies have shown how effective prp for hair loss is and how people with patterned hair loss can benefit from it.
FAQ Section
Can I stop male pattern baldness?
Male-pattern baldness is not curable, but treatments such as SMP and PRP can significantly help your hair grow back.
At what age do men start balding?
Baldness is not something that can be ignored by men, as it starts to happen in 60% of them in their 30s or 40s. It varies depending on the hormones going through your system plus various causes; meaning it can even start in your early 20s.
How fast can male pattern baldness occur?
Some men find that their hair loss progresses quickly, losing much of the follicles within 5 years.
However it is more common for a man’s pattern to progress slowly over 15-25 years.
Does male pattern baldness stop at a certain stage?
The idea of male pattern baldness being something that stops at a certain point is unfortunately false. But the process of new hair growth through PRP is well and truly alive. Likewise, how effective SMP treatment can be for hair loss.
Why do men go bald?
The number one cause of hair loss in men is androgenetic alopecia (95% of cases). This inherited trait gives men a receding hairline, or thinning on top as they get older with age thanks to genetic sensitivity towards dihydrotestosterone DHT.